For many, the Zoomcovid revolution made the office literally a distant memory. Reflecting on it feels like trying to remember a loved one from way back, and the only thing that comes up is a blurred unrecognizable figure accompanied by a wave of warm emotions. Yes, I know. We are liberated from the commute and the strict office hours, life is grand, yet that office thing had something going for it. I can't quite put my finger on what it was, but it can't just be the water cooler (espresso) chatter.
When you mix technology, creativity, and grit, the sparks that come out are called startups. Small groups of intelligent, driven people creating together fast and furious. I had been mulling the office puzzle in my head for a while when I came across "spontaneous synchronization" ( When the team is physically together and in full swing, there is a degree of magic to what can be achieved. If spontaneous synchronization does not provide a mathematical explanation to that magic, it does, at the minimum, provide a hell of a metaphor.
If you took the time to watch the slightly longer "The surprising secret of synchronization" (, you would have learned the implicit power of physical proximity synchronization. Zoom is a great technology that can be highly effective for many things. Creating together fast and furious does not make the top of the list, which brings us back to the... office.